1.The process is essentially dynamic with ideas and feedback flowing both ways.
2.The taxpayers are complaining that their money is flowing out through government spending.
3.Tears were flowing over his florid face.
4.Champagne was flowing like water at the party.
在聚会上, 人们喝掉了大量香。
5.A flowing stream inarms a boulder in its passing.
6.It was a party flowing with the best champagne.
7.Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
8.Her heart was flowing with happiness.
9.Water from the artesian well in the village is flowing continuously into the wheatland.
10.Studied the water flowing characteristics in gangue used as water-gravel-mixed filling material from one Uranic mine.
11.In the room that puts new-style and flowing furniture, the curtain does not have plait grain and frilling.
12.Technically, Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is not an asana, but a series of gentle flowing movements synchronized with the breath.
13.There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum.....
14.Applying basic magnetofluiddynamic theory, the author analyzes the model flowing in plasma sheath under the combined action of magnetic and electric field.
15."Selective Breeding has produced more than 125 Breeds, including the veiltail, with a three-lobed, flowing tail, and the common, pet-shop comet. "
16.The picoammeter reads the current at the last dynode, which is equal to the anode current minus the current flowing to the previous dynode.
17.Methods Occlusion of the openings of main artery and side artery was performed through double-channeled air pocket tube,with normothermia,normal flowing rate and heart beating.
18.Commercial application has indicated that the product has good flowing property and good moldability, and can be used for the manufacture of washing machine parts as a substitu...
19.Fluid is conveied to bit nozzel through drill string from pump is a transient state flowing with pressure wave, which makes the fluid jetted out from nozzel has certain pulsation.
20."Jinbiao" CMC be used as flowing control matter in ceramics glost substitute,which has the performance of retain glost substitute, to prevent it from getting to tear cicatrice before cooking finish.