1.Belgium has been pouring money into the company.
2.Don't remind him of the cause of his anger—that would be pouring oil on flames.
不要向他提起他发怒原因, 那会使他怒气更旺。
3.The chimney was pouring out black smoke.
4.Heartening reports of victories are pouring in.
5.All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.
6.Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
7.There was no end to the letters pouring into the post office.
8.He mystified us all by pouring his drink out of the window.
9.I little thought that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you.
10.The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research,especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
11.It was pouring down.
12.It was pouring down nonstop.
13.It was pouring all night.
14.Her grandfather had returned, and was busily engaged in pouring some gallons of newly arrived rum into the square bottles of his square cellaret.
15.Once all the oil in, if your mixture is too thick (you are aiming for a thickish pouring consistency), add a little warm water.
16.The results show the relative importance of factors, from most significant to least significant: foam material, metallostatic head, the permeability of the coating, pouring temperature.
17.The paper introduced the construction technology of liquid flyash pouring retailing backwall in order to assure refill quality of retailing backwall,protect retailing backwall depression or jumping.
18.Within a month, Jacobs was working with Victor Roundtree, who, with Andre Rozier, trains him today. Eventually, the Starrett City Gym became his home and the plaudits started pouring in.
19.Set in its windows, like pearls in an oyster, are an elegant Attic red figure krater attributed to a 5th-century BC painter, an Etruscan pouring vessel and an array of vases.