2.The old lady's fortunate enough to have very good health.
3.Apartment dwellers who have considerate neighbors are fortunate.
4.The youth was fortunate in having understanding parents.
个青年有通情达理父母, 真运。
5.I was fortunate in that I had friends.
6.He is the fortunate possessor of a fine singing voice.
7.She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her.
8."He's fortunate in having a good job, since business is bad nowadays."
9.I was nearly drowned last night, but was fortunate enough to be saved.
我昨天夜里差一点淹死, 真走运, 有人把我救了。
10.I count myself to be fortunate.
11.I was fortunate to catch today's last bus to the county at the last minute.
12.He was fortunate to arrive in Hollywood when the film industry was on the crest of a wave.
13.He liked also being seen and being congratulated on growing up such a fine looking and fortunate young fellow, for he was not the youth to hide his light under a bushel.