3.Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.
4.I'll be doggoned if every fourth kid is affected.
5.Carpals short,fourth metacrpal expanded but unfused with the third metacarpal.
6.Conrad came up trumps again, finishing fourth in the 800 metres.
7.I fancy having a crack at winning a fourth title.
8.Inheritance is zero, the honesty first, study the second, the manner third, assiduous fourth, the hardhead fifth.
9.She's in the fourth grade.
10.The fourth chapter analyzes the means in monocase combination mode and architecture design of Low-density Row Housing.
11.There is only one way to get through that turn, in first gear, after downshifting from fourth.
12.In the fourth movement, Nachtmusik: Andante amoroso, the deep feeling produces a warm and hazy atmosphere.
13.D. frascone's fourth and fifth pairs of pereiopods on the carapace have hooked ends and therefore enable them to carry things.
位于背甲上四对及五对步足,末端 呈钩状,使疣面关公蟹具有携物能力。
14.A mishit shot from Paul Scholes secured the match ball,and there was still time to meet Nicky Butt’s cross for his fourth.
15.Perhaps the positions of the three pyramidical images in the crystal sphere hold the long-sought key to finding a fourth, as yet unfound.
16.China has become Malaysia's largest export market of palm oil and caoutchouc, and the fourth largest export market of the latter's electronic products.
17.The offices of aedile and tribune had disappeared, and by the end of the fourth century the quaestorship was on the point of disappearing.
18.Elephant bird was also called Aepyornis ,and mainly lived in the forest of the world's fourth largest island —the island of Madagascar in Africa.
19.The bulker company is the fourth consecutive shipping issuer to price below its target range.A fifth withdrew its flotation rather than accept a discount.
20.Has 158 year history “Brother Leiman” is the US fourth great Investment bank, takes one of Wall Street's jumbos, the other day formal application bankruptcy.