1.This excess fungal yeast irritates the scalp, causing overproduction of skin cells.
2.Other examples include aseptate fungal hyphae and certain green algae, such as Acetabularia.
3.Conclusion Rabbit fungal keratitis model of Candida albicans can be built successfully with epikeratophakia.
4.These new fungistat solve the question of fungal resistance to drug and prevent blindly using medicine.
5.Pseudoparenchyma A fungal or algal tissue resembling parenchyma but made up of interwoven hyphae (fungi) or filaments (algae).
6.Conclusion:FESS surgery is effective in treating chronic invasive fungal rhinosinusitis,and need not use medicine of anti-fungoid.
7.Whether or not to use antimycotic agents may be decided based on the extent of fungal infection and the underlying disease.
8.Lomasome An infolding of the plasma membrane found particularly in fungal hyphae and spores, and also in some algae and higher plants.
9.Conclusions: The treatment of fungal sinusitis with operation by canine fossa under nasoscope can cure once and for all to bring under permanent contro...
10.Plasmogamy in the absence of karyogamy (fusion of nuclei) occurs between fungal mycelia of different strains of some ascomycetes and basidiomycetes to form a heterokaryon.
11.Dikaryon (dicaryon) A fungal hypha or mycelium whose cells each contain two different nuclei, arising from the fusion of two compatible cells, each with one nucleus.
12.The release and aerosolization of the fungal spore on the surface of building materials are the key factors to investigate the bioaerosol exposure and harmful effects on human health.
13.Reproduction in lichens may be asexual by soredia (algal cells enclosed by fungal hyphae) or by sexual fungal spores, which can survive only if some algal cells are also present.