1.Genecology The study of ecological genetics, or population genetics in relation to environment.
2.Mendelian genetics in the setting of neuropsychiatry.
3.Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.
4.Darwinian theory has been synthesized with modern genetics.
5.There had been much controversy concerning the genetics of unpatterned tabbies in the American Shorthair (ASH) breed.
6.The change in the character of cell is determined by the alteration of genetics and epigenomics.
7.In 1990, a family with an inherited speech disorder known as verbal dyspraxia drew the attention of genetics researchers.
8.Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology,cytogenetics and genetics.
摘要 本文从解剖学、织学、细胞遗传学及遗传学方面对西农莎能山羊的间性个体进了研究。
9.Conclusion: The genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area may belong to autosomal dominant inheritance.
10.This paper roports change of genetics larvate under domestic condition,it has also been pointed out the method of conservation the larvate.
11.Population genetics and RAPD was used to research the genetic diversity of 14 Artemisia frigida populations in different Synusiologic area of Inner Mongolia.
12."This is important research because it supports the out-of-Africa theory about the origin of modern humans," said Ranjan Deka, a population genetics researcher at the University of Cincinnati.
13.The laws of heredity on which the modern science of genetics is based came from the Austrian monk Grego Mendel, who combined mathematics and biology to create a new science.