10.However, cases with porencephaly, global atrophy or delayed myelination of unilateral temporal lobe on MRI were more related to HIE.
11.Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
12.Mr Jen has an alternative explanation for why the yen is so feeble against the euro: the “global funnelling hypothesis”.
13.Bringing the treaty into force will strengthen and reenergize the global nonproliferation regime and, in doing so, enhance our own security.
14.This paper establishes a global attractor of hemigroup produced by the initial boundary value problem of generalized convection and expansion equation.
15.After Sputnik, megadeath would arrive in minutes by rocket, non-negotiably, and in such quantities that global annihilation looked on the cards.
16.Cases of porencephaly and global atrophyof the temporal lobe were highly related to prenatal or perinatal insults including preterm delivery and asphyxia.
17.The Diatom Paleolimnology Data Cooperative (DPDC) is a database of diatom and associated ecological and paleolimnological data useful in studying global change.