1.Function Grapher 2D Edition can be used to make 2D equation graphs.
2.Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
3.Graph paper, parallel, and planimeter methods are current tools for acreage calculation.
4.Relationship between the perfect dominating number of the unicyclic graphs and their order is given.
5.They made a graph of how hot the weather was every day for a month.
6.The graph show the dependence of power consumption in order of vcore and frequency increase.
7.On the basis of DTG graphs, the agravic sections in N2 and air atmosphere are figured out.
8.G-designs of complete multipartite graph with G has five points-four edges or five points-five edges is studied.
9.A non-wrinkling limited graph for spherical surface parts of retiary metal sheet and metal sheet is obtained.
10.The extended AON (Activity on Node) graph is utilized to structurize the business process with decision nodes.
11.Abstract: Bipartite graphs with P-regular endomorphism monoids are characterized.P-regularity of the endomorphism monoid of lexicographic product of graphs is discussed.
摘要 :刻划了具有P-正则自同态幺半群二分图,讨论了字典序积图自同态幺半群P-正则性.
12.Now it is possible to edit conversion parameters in "Conversion Graph" for "Blocks partition", "Blocks Combination" and "Bit invertion" methods.
13.In a k-coloring of a uniquely k-colorable graph, the subgraph induced by the union of any two color classes is connected.
14.In this paper, we study the minimum-weight feedback vertex set problem in outerplanar graphs and present a linear time algorithm to solve it.
15.But, we are afraid, these skeletonize graphs may make popular feeling irritated, the judgement that and throw into confusion some former perfecting is decision-making.
16.Equal-product curve (or isoquant) is a line in a graph showing the various possible combinations of factor inputs which will yield a given quantity of output.
17.A semicomplete multipartite digraph is obtained by replacing each edge of a complete multipartite graph by an arc or by a pair of two mutually opposite arcs.
摘要 用一条弧或一对向相反弧代替完全多部无向图每一条边所得到有向图被称为是半完全多部有向图。
18.The characteristic of MVP is the conversion from netlist to weighted undirected graph and its objective is to improve the efficiency of VLSI partitioner by avoiding partitioning netlist directly.
19.All graphs are finite simple undirected graph with no isolated vertices in this paper. It is completed the classification of graphs on which a semidihedral group acts edge-transitively.
20.Further, we can also define if a Coset graph is a graph representation, we note it GR for short, that is, the relevant group is exactly equal to the full automorphism group of the Coset graph.