2.These are identical prints made from a wood-block.
3.She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
4.They churn out 3 000 identical toy trains every day.
他们每天生产3 000 辆式样的玩具火车。
5.This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year.
6.We are identical in our views of what should be done.
7.My opinion is identical with his.
8.The opinions are identical.
9.Their jackets are identical.
10.Identical twins are also called monozygote twins because they develop from the splitting of a single fertilized egg.
11.This is identical to what we saw above with autotrace, except we get to see that partition pruning did actually take place.
12.Pivoting 90 degrees, Raab pans westward across the sagebrush-stubbled desert until he spots an identical tube and another building, also four kilometers distant.
13.Investigators noted that the results were identical whether the reference diuretic was chlorthalidone or hydrochlorothiazide and that the overall network findings were confirmed by Bayesian analysis.
14.The special body plan of Yunnanozoon is almost identical to that of the living enteropneust hemichordate Balanoglossus,which suggests that the earlyCambrian creature is ancestral to the hemichordates.
15.The ratios of the length to width of the propodus of the fourth leg in the three kinds of mitten crabs were identical or near to those of taxonomic samples.