2.It is emphasized that the inertial force is unevadable and not to be ignored in Newtonian mechanics.
3.I decided to ignore his rude remarks.
4."Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop."
5.He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking as if all were agreed between them.
6.I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark.
7.The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.
8.His boss chewed him out hourly, his girlfriend ignored him routinely and his life plodded on interminably.
9.That boy’s a real nuisance. I tried telling him to sling his hook but he simply ignored me.
10.Chat frames can now be made "Noninteractive". When in this state, they will ignore all clicks.
11.But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.
12.No longer should our legislators be able to publicly excoriate FDA employees while ignoring their own complicity.
13.Also, if you use Rebase, you can ignore setting the base address in the Project Settings dialog box.
14.In the middle of a discussion about the weather, Liz started talking about fish. Everyone ignored the non sequitur completely.
15.Instead of working seriously,my lazy friend likes to lollygag at the company where he works,dreaming about pretty girls and ignoring his responsibilities.
16.Whites simply ignored the treaty and poured in after General George Custer sent reports of the presence of gold by the panful in 1874.
17.Ignore others’ surprising impression , or you can just tell them that you have dermatophytosis, and only wearing baboosh that your feet won’t perspire.
18.Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.
19.Methods Based on the investigations and relevant materials, it will analyse the reason that ignores the patients protection,probe into and strenqthen the arrect protection measure.
20.Hilario shrugged off the rank implausibility of his situation, ignored the wince-inducing pressure and waded straight into the deep end, which has got to take some guts.