1.The skylight will provide good illumination from above.
2.Daylight came in through its glass roof;this was now the only illumination.
3.High stability bench stand with integral focus, dimmable substage illumination.
4.The four stages of creative thought are preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification.
5.Characterzation:high quality quartz bulb,biplanar filament which enables increased illumination,uniform color temperature and luminous flux.
6.It suggested that illumination with sulfur lamp rendered cotton photomorphogenesis more favorable to yield formation.
7.20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.
8.Selecting the wave band, irradiation illumination and irradiation time, studies on the effects of infrared irradiation on immunity of musmus-culus are carried out.
9.The MERL system uses 3D face models and specifically targets illumination and pose variation, which they think as the most critical factors limiting performance.
10.Abstract: Selecting the wave band, irradiation illumination and irradiation time, studies on the effects of infrared irradiation on immunity of musmus-culus are carried out.
摘 要: 研究了同波段、同辐、同辐射时间的红外辐射对小白鼠免疫功能的影响。
11.This paper introduced the Method of Dark-field Illumination to develop poroscopy on the glass, and some factors related to forming of poroscopy were also studied.
12.Abstract Pseudopupil of the compound eye of the housefly was studied by the method of corneal neutralization, and the deep pseudopupil under antidromic illumination in situ.
摘要 在逆光明下采用角膜中和及深伪瞳方法研究了蝇的在位复眼光学特性。
13.The film has good photobehavior in the range from near ultraviolet to visible light, and it has high photosensitivity, high photoconductive gain and high linear illumination performance.
14.SUNSUN arowana aquairums with fashion appearance. The plenitudinous illumination system and the advanced bottom filter system ensure the water in the best condition to fit the growth of arowana.