1.The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in theintact reactor is practicable.
2.The transactor considers activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.
3.The weak antiferromagnetic interaction exists between Co(II) ions intrachain.
4.The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.
5.Second, the selectivity depends on the Coulomb interaction on the surface, not the lipophilicity.
6.Current areas of interest and inestigation—including gene–enironment interaction, pharmacogenetics, and genetic counseling—are also discussed.
7.The interaction of hematoporphyrin dihydrochloride(HD) with DNA was studied by using neutral red(NR) as a probe.
8.The gust-cascade interaction noise was numerically simulated using computational aeroacoustics by solving the two-dimensional linearized Euler equations.
9.The finding supported the hypothesis of nonindependent lexicons and the interaction between two mental lexica at the lexical level.
10.It will lay a good foundation for studying the mechanism of the interaction of anti-oxidases with rare earth ions.
11.Such interactions between genes lead to apparent deviations from the 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio in the F2.
12.Result Unhealth emotinal state,hepatic disease and family history of PHC were the strong independent factors,and they also had obvious interaction.
13.KGF can specifically stimulate the epithelial mitogenesis and regulate the interaction of mesenchyma and epithelia,so it has broad biological functions.
14.With the mixture tests design, the interaction mechanism of borate, chlorinated paraffin and zinc dialkyldi thiophosphate (ZDDP) additives is studied.
15.In this thesis, interaction of indolizine-naphthoquinone compounds (INQ) with calf thymus DNA(CT-DNA) was investigated using the electrochemical and spectroscopic methods.
16.We also give the plots of mutual entropy as function of temperature, number of spins of subchain and the nearest neighbor interaction.
17.It turns out that the weak interaction causes a kaon gradually to convert into its antiparticle, the antikaon, and then back again.
18.Hadron (baryons and mesons) spectroscopy opens the gate for the development of the fundamental theory of the strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
19.In acidic medium, the interaction of potassium dihydrogen phosphate with ammonium molybdate, potassium antimonyl tartrate and ascorbic acid result in blue compound complex.
20.Binding energy and interaction potential of calcium cation and diazine ring are based on the calculation of all the complexes of optimized structures.