1.I'm glad to see that the edges of the wound are joining up nicely.
2.He was bamboozled into joining the club.
3.I was coerced into joining the gang.
4.I tried to argue him into joining us.
5.What prevented you from joining us last night?
6.His parents discouraged him from joining the airforce.
7.He's still hesitating about joining the expedition.
8.They tried to argue him into joining them.
9.Meredith made a feeble stab at joining in.
10.People under 21 are excluded from joining the club.
11.We're here to discuss Ann's joining the club.
12.Don't let anyone rush you into joining; think it over.
13.But the stone walls keep the farmer's cows from joining his neighbor's cows.
14.Coinciding with the appointment of the city's bishop, Juvenal, as Patriarch, Jerusalem was made a patriarchate, joining Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria.
15.In the whole process of forming hydrocarbon, there exist the joining and removal of hydrogen or oxygen atom and heteroatom from the beginning to end.
16.Earlier in the day, a planeload of U.N. weapons inspectors left Baghdad aboard a flight to Cyprus, joining the exodus of diplomats, aid workers and other foreigners.
17.Intein is an intervening polypeptide which can catalytic self-cleavage from a pre-protein accompanied by the concomitant joining of the two flanking polypeptides (the extein) through a peptide bond.
18.For he was always so convinced of the inescapability of the law of La Guajira that half a century later he was opposed to his son Eduardo joining the public health service in Barrancas.
19.There were then in Sherwood scores of masterless men like John of Mansfield, and when they heard how Robin had spoiled the Prior of Newark they sought him out with a view to joining him.