1.Phenolic resin was modified respectively using four latexes of butyronitrile-butadiene,carboxylic butyronitrile-butadiene,styrene-butadiene and pyridine-butadiene.
2.Before remembering wearing scarf and glove earcap, want the latex on besmear.
3.A new type of hydrophobe for latex paints has been developed using silicone and paraffin.
4.The principle of PVC modified by MBS resin and the properties of SBR latexes reeded were briefly introduced.
5.These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint.
6.Based on indirect hemagglutination reaction,the author used globin lipoplast to establish latex agglutination test to determine occult blood.
7.It's adequate for kind of mechanical seal,it's material conrist of Fluororubber,Silastie,Buna n rubber and each latex ware.
8.Using the method of latex polymerization,poly vinyl acetate was synhesized with PVA as protective colloid,which was crosslinked with formylamine-group containing component.
9.The process of change for thermo-oxidative degradation of latex film at different vulcanization time during the prevulcanization of latex by peroxide was studied by using of TG-DTG and DTA.
10.Unlike traditional latex or acrylic coatings, polyurea, as a suitable waterproofer even under seawater immersion, is in no way influenced by ponding water, which is very often on existing roofs.