13.The principle of the atom lens using a hexapole magnetic field and its aberration has been discussed.
14.Magnetic separation intake purolator, which can avoid metallics and large grained impurity enter into the oil way.
15.A defect in the magnetizable surface coating (for example,on magnetic disc) consisting of a raised or thick area.
16.The area ( s ) on magnetic disks used for work in process ; not permanent or even semipermanent.
17.Finally,the most reasonable technological process of“stagewise grinding,coarse and fine classification,gravity separation magnetic separation reverse anionic flotation”has been found out.
18.One of the main difficulty in synthesis core-shell magnetic polymers is the monodispersion of the magnetic nanoparticles in organic monomer.
19.Objective: To investigate the effect of transrectal heat rotating magnetic field in the treatment of obstinate hemospermia.
20.The result of calculation with antiferromagnetics shows that the compound has the minus magnetic moment because of itinerant electron magnetism.