1.These birds have a wide geographic distribution.
2.The current survey will have a wider geographic spread.
3.The city’s success owes much to its geographic position.
4.The research is to clarify the sibship and geographic distribution of Artemisia frigida Populations.
5.Geocoding is the process of assigning geographic coordinates (e.g. latitude-longitude) to street addresses, as well as other points and features.
6.The geographic distribution and floristic characteristic of Magnoliaceous 7 genera and 23 species in Jiangxi are studied in this paper.
7.Depth and particle size were primary and secondary environment variables that influence the community structure of brachyuran crabs in the present geographic region.
8.The Coal Filed EIMS utilizes EGIS technology to manage spatial geographic information and environmental morning data of Coal Fieldredicts states of coal field environ...
9.The principle holding that in a warm-blooded, polytypic, wide-ranging animal species, the body size of the members of each geographic group varies with the average environmental temperature.
10.The gen etic variation of individuals from the same geographic populations wa s smaller than that of individuals from different geographic populati ons within the same voltinism groups.