1.Hematologic studies revealed severe hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis.
2.They have typical laboratory findings, including hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalciuria.
3.Cooperate woodcarving sometimes, applique reachs adornment glass, its design is metabolic multiterminal more.
4.Taken in excess, aluminum-containing antacids cause hypophosphatemia, which may lead to metabolic bone disease.
5.Conclusion Saccharic metabolic disorder occurred easily in patient with hepatic cirrhosis,eventually develope into diabetes.
6.Iron metabolic derangement possibly affects lipid peroxidization and aggravates liver injury of the patients with viral hepatitis B.
7.Secondly the enzyme is inhibited by an intermediate lower down the metabolic pathway, usually either phosphoenolpyruvate or citrate.
8.Methylmalonic acidemia is an inherited metabolic disorder,which is caused by deficiency of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase or its cofactor adenosylcobalamin.
9.Primary hypertension, if merges has the blood sugar or the blood fats unusuality, on clinical calls it “the metabolic hypertension”.
10.To say in a specific way,its occurrence and development is the result,which metabolic disturbance of carbohydrate and fat of the kidney organize,hypertension,vascula...
11.Galactosemia is another rare metabolic disorder that occurs when the liver enzyme GALT, needed to break down galactose, is partially or completely absent.
12.Some effective measures beneficial to the production of alkaline proteinase are discussed: organismal rejuvenation, mutagenesis breeding. metabolic regulation and improvement of technology condition.
13.It is possibile that reduced slumber affects the number of calories burned while at reast( basal metabolic rate) and translates into weight gain over time.
14.So evidence of sustained rapid growth, even into late juvenile and subadult stages, implies that the animals in question had relatively high basal metabolic rates.
15.The result indicates that the main metabolic product of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation is acetic acid and surface active agent of glycolipid composed of fatty acid and rhamnose.
16.Apply this kind of method to be able to grasp the metabolic pattern that estimates capital and profit, praepostor is produced, achieve reduce cost, raise the goal of profit.
17.LDH-C4 is specific to mature testes and spermtozoa of bird and mammal.It is related to metabolic processes that provide energy for motility and survival of spermtozoa.LDH-C4 is an autoantigen.
18.Although I have said that the water bear does not undergo any form of metabolism during cryptobiosis, it actually has a metabolic rate of 0.1%, rendering it almost dead, but yet, not dead.