1.That theory fell into disfavo(u)r in the nineteenth century.
2.He made a fortune buying and selling nineteenth–century paintings.
3.Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.
19 世纪末骑自行车曾风行一时。
4.Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace.
5.I’m not really at home with seventeenth-century literature. I specialize in the nineteenth century.
6.George Washington Carver and Thomas Alva Edison were American scientists who were born during the nineteenth century.
7.Babbage’s early work on calculating machines in the nineteenth century paved the way for the development of computers.
8.It is an important work about the nineteenth century’s Hesperian depictive linguistics and comparative linguistics combining with the research of Beijing Mandarin.
9.In the second half of the nineteenth century, the merchant Riumin gave money for the construction, next to the Cathedral of the Dormition, of a canopied fountain pool.