5.Such trappy questions are meaningless and pushing us to nowhere.
6.They searched the house but the necklace was nowhere to be found.
他们在屋里到处寻找那条项链, 但怎也找不到。
7.In the last seconds of the race, he came from nowhere and won.
在比赛的最后几秒钟, 他从后面不知什地方突然冒出来并赢得了胜利。
8.Nowhere have I seen your bike.
9.The poor has nowhere to live.
10.The bus was nowhere near full.
11.The hall was nowhere near full.
12.The old man floats from town to town with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
这位老人从一市镇游荡到另一市镇, 所事事, 也没有目的地。
13.No job, no qualifications, nowhere to live. He doesn’t have much going for him, does he?
14.I hurried down to the platform and into the refreshment room, Steve was nowhere to be seen.
我匆忙赶到月台, 又跑进小吃部, 还是没看见史蒂夫。
15.Just remember—flattery will get you nowhere. There’s no use trying to be nice to me so I’ll give you what you want.
16.But take some advice paisano, learn-a how to mambo If you gonna be a square you ain't-a gonna go nowhere The Hey Mambo!Mambo Italiano!Hey Mambo!
义大利曼波 跳呀 跳呀,像大众情人般的摇礼a 你的脚也会感到快乐的—当你跳起曼波舞时 跳吧!
17.He came from nowhere to dominate the money primary in 2004.But his $40m treasure chest did not prevent him from imploding during the Iowa primaries.
18.At first he was most dictatorial and aggressive in what he said,but when he realised that he would get nowhere by that means,he began to sing another tune.