13.The tomatillo is covered with a thin membrane, or calyx, that is a brownish orange color with purple veins.
14.Appearing in a simple purple and white colourway, the side panels feature patent leather faux-croc skin for a nice tonal effect.
出现在个简单的紫色和白色配色 ,侧面的鞋面专用人造皮革,鳄鱼皮的个不错的效果。
15.Typically the green and purple sulfur bacteria live in that chemocline, enjoying the supply of H2S from below and sunlight from above.
16.The most advanced discovery in green one gemmule is gules, that red is not bright-coloured also however, have kind of dark reddish purple that has been hit by frost.
17.The purple pigment which is asbtracted from the Althaea roseal is a harmless natural dystuff.This article introduces the research of the purple pigmenting from the althaea roseal and its stability.
18.Figure 9. Case 7. Additional vessel (purple) behind the 4-chamber view next to the aorta (red). This vessel represents an azygous or hemizygous continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava.
19.He followed him, and exhibited himself to the eyes of the crowd in his purple camail and with his episcopal cross upon his neck, side by side with the criminal bound with cords.