1.The enemy troops had a cold realization of their hard situation.
2.The stage is a chanteur unfolds, realization art value place.
舞台是一个歌唱者展自我 ,艺术价值地方。
3.This realization of our dreams surpassed even our wildest expectations.
4.We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.
5.I woke up with the blinding realization that it was time to go.
6.He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.
7.This discipline uses Internet among others as one of the possible communication tools for realization so called telematics projects.
8.Moreover, the article discusses the mortgager's profits and renter's profits in building removal, and the realization of profits protection.
9.Provide the vectograph of dividing layers , the realization course of the attribute data on the basis of west institute's planning drawing.
10.Based on this realization, we propose that the hsianghualite morphology published before is not a single crystal morphology but a twin.This realization i...
11.This paper presents a stochastic calculus approach to this problem, deduces formulae to calculate the preestimate time, gives some thoughts of concrete realization.
12.Workflow realization base on JAVA was given, including kenel interface, main classes and workflow engine.File flow, examine and approve flow function of the system were realized based on the workflow.
13.The intercessory system of people's court with low cost and high efficiency is a good way to solve problems such as cunctative lawsuit, waste of litigation resources and realization of justice.