1.Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.
2.The kind of mating, using as one parent a known homozygous recessive, is called a testcross.
3.Maple tree saccharorrhea sickness belongs to the euchromosome recessive hereditary disease.
4.We found a recessive cataract mutation arose spontaneously in a KUNMING outbred mouse strain.
5.Genetic analysis showed that the green-revertible albino trait was controlled by a sin-gle recessive nucleic gene.
6.Congenital microphthalmia is a developmental defect of ocular disorder with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked recessive modes of inheritance.
7.In many cases,interest contradiction is not solved in order,but in the form of the recessive gamb ling and chess.
8.Oculocutaneous albinism(OCA) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders of melanin synthesis,which is characterized by congenital hypopigmentation of skin,hair and eyes.
9.For crop improvement,haploidy enables the achievement of rapid homozygosity, enhanced selection efficiency for recessive genes, and breeding at a diallelic state for autopolyploid species.