1.They shamble, unused to walking on two legs, and find the human's mild sensory depravation unnerving.
2.It requires all our sensory intelligences to create new ways of active listening, reading dialogically and writing cooperatively.
3.6 The insect nervous system is similar to that of other arthropods. Sensory structures include tympanal organs, compound eyes, and ocelli.
4.The quality of sensory and preservation and remanet microbe of fresh and cooked beef treated by different ultra high pressure was investigated.
5.We suggest here this Multi-Sensory Communicative Approach, which is based on the “natural communicative” as well as the “kinaesthetic” approach to English language acquisition.
6.It is usually fairly easy to recognise the patient who presents with a few days' history of progressive sensory symptoms, flaccid tetraparesis, and areflexia, perhaps with increasing bulbar weakness.