1.He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.
2.He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer.
3.None of us can afford it separately, so let's pool our resources.
我们之中谁也不能单独买得起这东西, 所以我们就集资买吧。
4.Next, panfry the beef and fernbrakes separately using vegetable oil.
5.And it is inadvisable to criminate the abettor separately by the aspect of legislation and judicature.
6.Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode.
7.The walk is a four-beat gait in which each hoofbeat is heard separately.
8.Oddment : A book section with fewer pages than the others and which has to be printed separately.
9.The auxiliary suspensibility of nonionics in seed clothing agent containing anionics or polysoap as main suspending agent was researched separately.
10.Franz Brentano and Wilhelm Windelband separately hold psychologism and anti-psychologism in their value thoughts, which shows that some psychology foundation is necessary to axiology.
11.Bottles of prostaglandin (Planate TM , Lutalyse TM or Estrumate TM ) must be returned to the veterinarian separately not through the routine glass disposal system.
12.The amount of tax leviable on the salary income of a taxpayer or his(her) spouse may be computed separately and then declared and paid consolidatedly by the taxpayer.
13.From the analysis of the faults distributing characters,the main part of faults have two group normal fault system with "lambdoidal shape"and trending towards to NE and NS separately.
14.The standard deviations were 0.06 and 0.14 for Phoxim and Quintozene repectively,while the coefficients of variation were 1.14% and 1.34%.The average recoveries were 99.5 and 99.2% separately.