9.34 cases of anterior lingual gland cyst were surgically removed,accompanied simultaneously by ipsilateral or bilateral adenectomy.
10.Objective:To determine peimine,peiminine and zhebeinine in Fritillaria thunbergii simultaneously by RP-HPLC-ELSD.
11.The shark meat was hydrolyzed with the enzyme hydrolytic technique in which subtilisin and papain were added simultaneously.
采用添加枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶与木瓜蛋白酶的改良酶解技术 ,对鲨行水解。
12.Three different groups simultaneously announced that they had converted unipotent, mature skin cells back into an undifferentiated state.
13.LIKE a thirsty partygoer swigging from two different bottles, big Western brewers are simultaneously pursuing two strategies for growth.
14.Simultaneously apple concordancy really high somewhat astonishing, the notebook sound box is also located at processor's right flank unexpectedly.
15.Simultaneously, model of monopoly-as-seller andmodel of share's intrinsic value determination with finitary holdingperiod are integrated into securities investment analysis.
16.To ensure the color consistency of product, the RPM of master-batch doser(EMD series)will be controlled simultaneously by the RMP of extruder.
17.Then five petal primordia arised simultaneously in a whorl arrangement, followed by eight stamen primodia arised and last by pistil primodium.
18.Duke did not answer him, just be opposite loudly crane group vociferant, crane group be frighted, simultaneously outstretched two legs ran.
19.Sample was digested in polytetrafluorethylene sealed vesssle by nitric acid-perhydrol or high chloric acid-perhydrol, Hg As Pb were simultaneously determinated by ICP-AES.
20.Large, dual-LCD lets you view pH (or mV) and temperature values simultaneously, and provides measurement and troubleshooting data with its decipherable icons.