2.The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor.
3.Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
4.Entrance doors including sliding door and swing doors and ironmongery for the doors.
5.The sliding velocity and corrosion degree both depend on the misorientation of Al bicrystals.
滑移速度和腐蚀 程度随晶差的不同而不同。
6.After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.
7.For single crystal sliding occurs in two directions, and for bicrystal copper the mechanism of plastic defor...
8.Telescopic and sliding on the movement of the way, Shmoo able to smash through the rock to their own, small holes infiltration, or ev...
9.The general formula about the calculation of downslide force and resistance to sliding in the arbitrary unit of landslide is deduced in the digital landform image.
10.Carbarn door is a small vertical sliding door used to civil building, and it can be equipped remote function on electrical control, and installed electronic auto-brain lock.
11.The water drops upon the light green leaves, sliding across the nervure, rolling to the edge of the leaves and down to the land, streching its transparent and full of change body.