2.This question is subsidiary to the previous one.
3.Vanda is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Limited ("HWL").
4.Loadstar has two subsidiary companies, that is, Dalian Furnace Research Center and Shenzhen Thermal Engineering Design Institute.
5.Real estate enterprise group comes into existence subsidiary company to impolder item for evading venture and catch market of different region.
6.Kayser Automotive Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of Kayser Automotive Systems (Einbeck) GmbH and is located in Suzhou Industrial Park.
7.MSCI is the abbrivated form of sulfur, coal, ironsand mineral etc. As Bentusun's subsidiary, MSCI SBU is mainly dealing with mineral in the international market.
8.In profound terms,the reason why the present medical ethic and ethos deteriorate is that the demand of subsidiary positions slips into the pleonexia of negative positions.
9.TROX China provides training to staff, let them share experience and knowledge with other subsidiaries within TROX Group, which broaden their horizon and enrich their thinking.Mr.