1.Sutton Place is a palimpsest of the taste of successive owners.
2.Westminster enforced successive cuts in pay.
3.Prophase may be divided into successive stages termed leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis.
4.Klinotaxis refers to movement through a gradient while taking successive samples of the environment.
5.He won three successive matches.
6.The process of successive subsidence or interruptly polystage subsidence existed during the formation of petroleum bearing downwarping regio...
7.With growth rate photograph of slow road carrying capacity is compared, the growth of the car shows growth of progressional in successive years.
8.Successive gaslift craft wants computation to be in charge of a shoe to be in contented stability to take the critical velocity of flow of fluid and critical flow.
9.Since it always was a seasonal cycle, and the ascendency followed this behavior, we averaged the ascendency over 365 successive days (duration of one year) in the oscillatory phase.
10.An extraordinary medley of feeling -- but it was not a medley, exactly;rather it was successive layers of feeling, in which one could not say which layer was undermost -- struggled inside him.