4.The cancelation of the football match really ticked him off.
5.The silence was broken only by the tick of the clock.
除了时钟的滴答声外, 一片寂静。
6.It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away.
周围静悄悄的,我能听到自己的手表<>pan class="key">滴答滴答地响着。
7.Babesiosis is spread by members of the family Ixodidae, or hard ticks.
8.We waited as the clock ticked away the last few seconds of the old millennium.
9.When he’s midway through,he ticked over.
10.Lyme disease is a disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete, and spread by ticks of the genus Ixodes.
11."Damaging your opponent immediately after using Maledict is wise because it will deal more bonus damage overall at the 3 ticks."
12.He had quilts and ticks, and also had a old sheep skin fur-lined jacket, by the equalitarian rule, it was his turn to sleep at the door.
13.Several distinct rickettsiae (a parasite carried by ticks, fleas, and lice) cause a disease known as typhus in humans.All cause disease with similarities of fever, headache, and rash.