1.Don't labour the reader with unnecessary detail.
2.There’s no sense in taking unnecessary risks.
3.This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.
4.I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.
我把我原稿 多不需要字删去了。
5.He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.
6.All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.
7.In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
在写这份报告时, 我把一切不必要细删除了。
8.We shall have to trim away the unnecessary parts of the spending.
9.Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
10.I know all these locks seem unnecessary but I believe it’s always better to play safe.
11."Housewives can visit shopping centres on foot for in these specially designed living areas, cars are unnecessary."
12.Animal rights campaigners have a point when they say that a lot of animal testing is unnecessary.
13.While the inclination to procrastinate is common , one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
14.It is the misunderstanding and misdoing of the philosophy to make the medical philosophy become unnecessary with the medicine.
15.The diagnosis of occult fracture, which is always be maldiagnosed, even leads to unnecessary medical dispute, is one of difficulties in clinical osteological surgery.
16.Leonicus raised a hand to signal the zemstvo was now in session, but it was essentially an unnecessary gesture. All eyes were upon him, awaiting his words.
17.It seems unnecessary to have watchmen like me on the Wall in the future when people along the Wall know better than to further vandalize the rampart.