3.You know how pools winners always say it won't change their lives? Yeah, as if.
4.Yeah, I know what caviler means.
5.Yeah, go outtalk to people, treat yourself like a queen, spend money, whatever, to make yourself feel good.
6.Yeah, I personally feel like I don't act for likability, I act for the truth of the character.
7.Yeah right after we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie. What's the matter with you, he's parking the car.
8.Hey mum, I wanted to talk to you ......alright. Leylanni's clove hoof special. Oh yeah. Did Leylanni deliver em herself with her wicky wicky wagon?
9.Please get more hopeful, i think you will know how can you do on next step. yeah. maybe i think your husband is too unfair. but, i know the love is not wrong. nobody can say u r right or unright.