1.Ross Leontine Hass Amelia Reynolds Ella Kenion Oreke Mosheshe Sylvia St.
主 演:Effie Gillmore Valia Yanarou Fanos Vai Christopher Greco Michael T.
2.I was aboard the St Roch shortly before she sailed for the Northwest Passage.
3.A true cockney is born within the sound of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church.
4.The day before my graduation from Soldan High School in St.Louis, the principal called an assembly.
"我们从St Louis的Soldan高中毕业的前一天,校长召集我们集中。
5.According to comparing various hydrate promotors and their experimental conditions,it indicates that methylcyclohexane is a good promotor to form st...
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7.Clumped together on Quezon St you have Gloria’s Beach Cottages (cottages P400, 4-person cottages P600), with shady, balconied cottages and a bigger four-person cottage with bathroom.
8.A new point is put forward that transverse bimoment has different influence on the two kinds of cross section thin-walled beams, and on their St-Venant principle conditions. 2.
9.Mounted police in riot gear, their horses fitted with perspex face masks and shin protectors, formed a line to block Collins St west of Russell St as police battled to reerect the barriers.