1.She could sing while making the epiglottal clicks of the Xhosa language.
2.They get well along in public, but their personalities don't really click .
他们公开场合相处融恰, 但他们的性情不是真正合得来的。
3.Chat frames can now be made "Noninteractive". When in this state, they will ignore all clicks.
4.Louise turned on her three-inch heels and clicked away.
路易丝一转身,踩着三英寸高的高跟鞋<>pan class="key">咔嗒咔嗒走远了。
5.That film's really clicked with young people; it's very popular.
6.That film's really clicked.
7.The door clicked shut behind him.
8.Martha clicked her tongue.
9.They clicked with each other.
10.The speaker gave us a humorous joke which suddenly clicked with us and we all laughed.
11.I wasn't used to such good treatment, then it clicked : we were wearing suits.
12.If the app window stays open, iconify it or run xkill and click on it, no worries.
13.For professionals and people with meteorological background, please click the following hyperlink to see the isohyet chart.
14.Clicking on this button will recompute the vignetting factors for each field based upon the current lens data.
15.Mouse's clicking a square space of move the square space,same pattern can connect a glimmer of countercheck virus.
16.On touchless devices keypad arrows are equal to the screen ones and joystick click is similar to start button.
17.To select nonadjacent or overlapping controls, hold down the SHIFT key and click each control that you want to select.
18.Keystroke Assignment enables almost any combination of computer keyboard shortcuts to be assigned with a single click to any control on Novation’s Automap Hardware controllers.
按键分配几乎以任意组合的计算机键盘快捷方式分配一次点击任何控制更新的Automap硬件控制器。(ReMOTE SL, SL Compact and Nocturn).(远程Sl的, Sl的契约和Nocturn ) 。
19.By clicking on the tool, 'you volunteered to weaponize your PC and participate in a denial-of-service attack' on Georgia's Web pages, says Artem Dinaburg, a researcher at security firm Damballa.
20.First, a general range shall be sketched out with the mouse, then click the function button on the menu, and the program will automatically separate the skull, the hypoderm and the ventricles.