1.Results 60%cancer karyon, cytoplasm display positive signal of Staphylococcus aureus L-form DNA.
2.In the first phase, the oogonium has little cytoplasm and bigger nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio.
3.The complex can translocate from cytoplasm to cell nucleus,where PDX-1 could display its biological functions.
4.Abundant virus particles and their virogenic stroma were observed in the cytoplasm of the epithelium of digestive diverticula.
5.The cytoplasm extended to proximal region.During light adaptation the arrangement of microvillus in the rhabdom was in disorde...
6.Gliacyte was more sensitive than neuron.A small number of enevloped virions were observed in nucleus and cytoplasm of gliacyte and neuron.
7.The cells above the stratum basale were polygonal cells with central nucleus and cytoplasm filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, golgi apparatus and tonofibril.
8.The large amount of PAO could be found in the cytoplasm of parenchyma in cotyledon and in the cell membranes and intercellular spaces of cortical parenchyma in phyllogen.