8.This finding shows the limitation of the direct estimation method in developing MAWL although we can obtain the MAWL more quickly and easily.
9.The trackability limitation of current gradient algorithm is discussed.A new algorithm, named variable parameter gradient estimation algorithm with local polynomial approximation is proposed.
10.Modern health care mode during stegmonth has its limitation in guiding postpartum recovery.Debating new healthcare mode helpful to puerperant recovery and blest breastfeeding durin...
11.This paper analyzes the limitations of SNMP Network Management Protocol and RMON in a switched networks environment,then discusses solution of SMON in a switched LANs monitoring.
12.These concepts usually only define certain aspects of the legal validity concept, with the disadvantage of limitations on the concept extension and mechanicalness of the concept connotation.
13.The liability limitation system of shipowners, the subject of liability, the limits of liability, the exceptive event, and the measurement of liability limitation are devoted in section 3.
14.Arthragra involving one or several joints, local redness, swelling and excruciating pain with limitation of morement, accompanied by fever and thirst, yellow tongue coating rolling and rapid pulse.