According to Wikipedia, “Harrison’s doctors tried cures, applying opium, castor oil, Virginia snakeweed, and even actual snakes.But the treatments only made Harrison worse, and he became delirious.
据维基科所载, “哈里森的医生治愈他,为他注射麻醉剂,抹蓖麻油,让其服用弗吉尼亚蛇草,甚至真正的蛇。
According to Wikipedia, “Harrison’s doctors tried cures, applying opium, castor oil, Virginia snakeweed, and even actual snakes.But the treatments only made Harrison worse, and he became delirious.
据维基科所载, “哈里森的医生治愈他,为他注射麻醉剂,抹蓖麻油,让其服用弗吉尼亚蛇草,甚至真正的蛇。