Maples, dogwoods, grape, and sumac twinkle and dance with particulate color in any little breeze, and the decorated twigs of sourwood trees swoop out like plump birds scattering.
Maples, dogwoods, grape, and sumac twinkle and dance with particulate color in any little breeze, and the decorated twigs of sourwood trees swoop out like plump birds scattering.
Attractive, narrow shrub or small tree (Rhus, or Toxicodendron, vernix) of the sumac, or cashew, family, also called poison elder, native to swampy acidic soils of eastern North America.
株形美观,茎枝生长紧密的小乔(毒盐肤〔Rhus vernix〕毒漆〔Toxicodendron vernix〕),属漆科腰果科,也称作毒接骨。原产于北美洲东部的沼泽酸性土壤中。