4.However, as the soil conditions mentioned above are changed into the claypan, error of 20% was estimated by numerical results.
5.A residential buildings with 18 story built on the ground consisting of soft marine clay and the subgrade was treated with vibroflotation.
6.It is concluded that the average degree of radial consolidation for a given soil layer increases with its buried depth since the geostatic pressure increases with the lattar.
7.The nutrient of C, N, P, K in rice straw buried by rotocultivator in deep soil layer released at a high rate and less remain than on surface soil.
8.Site soils in southern area of Jiangsu province belong to washland sediment or limnetic facies sediment.The components of sediment are very complex and process of sedimentation is in disorder.
9.Or through high ridge in a field, covering terra, increasing the temperature of earth, increasing the thickness of dust and frowst in the day time can all be the methods of toting temperature.
10.The central concept of Inceptisols is that of soils of soills of humid and subhumid regions that have altered horizons that have lost bases or iron and aluminum but retain some weatherable minerals.