Distichia (including ectopic cilia) is an eyelash that arises from an abnormal spot on the eyelid.
Distichia (including ectopic cilia) is an eyelash that arises from an abnormal spot on the eyelid.
Dyskeratosis congenita (DKC) is a rare inherited disease characterized by the triad of abnormal skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy, and mucosal leukoplakia.
先天性角化不良症(DKC)为一少见之遗传性疾病,要特徵为皮肤色素异常、 指甲生长异常及黏膜白症。
The abnormal growth rate appeared when daily ration was below 3.30% of body weight,implied that Japanese halfbeak may get other food resources besides supplied net zooplankton.