It was a fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions.
次很有成效的会议, 我们做出了许多重大决定。
It was a fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions.
次很有成效的会议, 我们做出了许多重大决定。
We had a productive meeting that solved some problems.
我们开了个富有成效的会议, 决了些问题。
There are lots of advantages by cold extrusion for straight knurl nut in a single process.
直纹滚花螺母采用冷挤压次成形新工艺 ,成效著。
Abstract: There are lots of advantages by cold extrusion for straight knurl nut in a single process.
摘 要: 直纹滚花螺母采用冷挤压次成形新工艺,成效著。
The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) can be employed as an approximator to compensate the system uncertainties after effective learning.
The ethnic group Dan-min ("Boat Dwellers") was relegated as a outcaste in the Hongwu Reign of the Min Dynasty.Thereafter, Dan-min was discriminated for a very long time.