1.Through the calculation on flexivity of drag-chainand length of chain curve,set screw-pull-ing instrumentneeds to be adaptedto suitable period.
2.Objective To develop a rapid, microlesion method to treat the fracture of zygomatic bone using the rtaction-reposition-fixation device.
3.We need to improve the driveability side of the engine and also the mechanical traction of the car.
4.12 patients were treated with bonded RME appliance to expanse the maxillary arches and with vertical pull chincap to augment anchorage.
通过对 12 例患者在扩弓及内收切牙时应用牙弓板式扩弓治器及高位牵的头帽颏兜加强支抗。
5.At present the research of the deep water tractive current deposition mainly focus on contourite and internal tide, internal wave deposition.
6.Methods On the demand of preventing and reducing malpraxis,the system structure and software design were implemented based on RFID and wireless technology.
7.Objective The aim of this study was to assess the effects of varying retractive force directions on the displacement of and stress distributions in palate.
8.He saw people as puppets, controlled by some pitiless force much as he, in boyhood, had controlled his own marionettes in his toy theatre, making Mr Punch jibber and squawk in nonsense-language.