2.It was this plantation that had so annoyed Charlie Slatter.
3.The fisherman had caught a whopper.
4.The floods were a cataclysm from which the local people never recovered.
经历了这场特大洪水, 当地人民元大伤, 很难恢复。
5.The best airships were the giant Graf Zeppelin and the luxurious Hindenburg of the 1930s.
6.An outsize cotton shoes was mounted on a huge float and paraded through the main street.
7.The discovery of a huge analcime deposit in Nei Monggo fills up a gap in minerals in China.
8.It is natural for the shopkeeper to feel annoyed when the hypermarket is set up close to his shop.
9.It was an eye-opener to me when I saw the strong man lift and move that extremely big box alone.
10.Perhaps in the eyes acetify on some astigmatism, and this appears to have no major advantages that some lots still much to do.
11.The Chu Prince Mausoleum is a seldom seen and except ionally big caverned catacomb with the gigantic project for a prince in the Western Han Dynasty.