8.The following essay may contain scenes of comedy and tragedy, as well as kidult elements, thus parental guidance is recommended.
9.It will cause loss of the canine guidance, damage of the occlusion, and discoordination of the maxillary and mandibular arch forms.
10.Young ones under12 years old, senior citizen, handicapped, cardiopath, can not use this machine. Minor should use this machine with professional guidance.
11.Objective:To evaluate the clinical value and method of percutaneous intradiscal and injection of sclerosant(95% alcohl) by CT guidance for the treatment of hepatic cyst.
12.Rhodizite will assist initiates in better understanding one's own guidance, the earth mother and one's soul, oversoul and source.
13.At present,using multiprobe cryosurgical device result in many treatment options,such a s procedure under open abdomen and sta ring blankly forward or percutaneou sly under Trus guidance.
14.Provide training and guidance to associats in repect to Safety, Health and Environment; intrench the concept 'Safety is Job No.1' and make certain that work is done sefely.
15.Crenshaw deciphered the algorithm of the twisting motion, known as helical klinotaxis, and assisted Nekton's team in applying it to the robots, in essence crafting a new guidance technology.