1.Objective To develop a computer-assisted multiangular guiding system for interventional ultrasound.
2.The toolholding device may or may not be used for guiding or locating.
3.This article introduces the production of soy sauce in semiworks,it is a guiding to production of soy sauce.
4.The boat drifted along, with the child asleep inside it and no one guiding its direction.
小船缓缓向前漂去, 船上的孩子睡着了, 无人掌舵。
5.This ominous, goateed man waves a pocket watch back and forth, guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state.
6.It is an important guiding significance for industrial policy formulization to understand the scale and efficiency of timber processing enterprises.
7.To discuss the worth of the clinical utilization of treating acute obstructive renal failure with percutaneous nephridium punctureing ostomy under the B-ultrasound guiding.
8.Modern health care mode during stegmonth has its limitation in guiding postpartum recovery.Debating new healthcare mode helpful to puerperant recovery and blest breastfeeding durin...
9.Material removal by machining involves interaction of five elements: the cutting tool, the toolholding and guiding device, the workholder, the workpiece, and the machine.
10.The main reason that causes early failure of glared tile die block is found through analysing.The analysing has some guiding functions for ingrowing using life of the glazed tile die block。