3.The old man likes raising rabbits, dogs and horses.
4.The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.
5.They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
6.He traveled the length and breadth of the country raising funds for the party.
7.Her disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult.
8.Assembling an able staff was more difficult than raising the funds to finance the venture.
9." raising muskrat to take muskiness is the road that become rich " , this is more chancy.
10.Enhancement brachium tricep and deltoid muscle: Lying face downward, right hand griping dumb bells and raising up.
11.A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals.
12.With the raising of partial hydrogen pressure, the cracking reaction of tert-butylbenzene is prompted, while the conversion of butylbenzene is restricted.
13.In the HFC network, the funnelling effect of noise is the main restrict matter of raising the rate in the up stream channel.
14.It can get good society and economic efficiency on the feasible study on the raising height of truck spoilbank bench at Baiyunebo Mine.
15.It is pronoumced by raising the tongue tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air.
16.It is pronounced by raising the tongue tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air.
17.Conclusions: The myocardial bridge is an anatomic structure with some functions, such as supporting and fixing aeteria coronaria, increasing arteriotony and raising blood supply of myocardium.
18.I adjusted the contrast and saturation of the picture.Then I have created the basic effect of Cumulous formations raising up from the normal height of the clouds.
19.By way of “raising high carbon content and post blowing” as well as recarburization practice can the high carbon steel of fine quality be refined in the converter.
20.The article introduces the process of knitted fleece made by bourette silk spun from silk noil and the processes of rewinding, knitting, finishing and raising are discussed as well.