10.Optimization and modeling of boric acid extraction from colemanite in water saturated with carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide gases.
11.So long as their balance remains undisturbed, the oxygenated and hydrogen sulfide–saturated waters stay separated, and their interface, known as the chemocline, is stable.
12.In this paper, the mathematical model of the reltion between water saturation vapor pressure and saturated temperature is established in the form of monoacidic polynomials.
13.Experimental study was performed using water as working medium to investigate the flow instability in a vertical narrow annuli with both subcooled and saturated boilings.
14.In this paper,according to ground state energy,microcosmic spin configuration of ground state of three sublittice is discussed,saturated magnetic moment of each sublattice in ground state is given.
15.It's a tricky time for consumers, because the answer depends on the food — and some are losing trans fat only to hae another artery clogger take its place, that old nemesis saturated fat.