The daily streamflow in the Yalu watershed located in the north-eastern part of China was simulated by the DAWAST model.
The daily streamflow in the Yalu watershed located in the north-eastern part of China was simulated by the DAWAST model.
The daily mean of the ground resistivity of Gaoyou station is processed by the method of differential energy of geoelectricity.
World cup on September 10 is preelect to compete in Portugal to Hungary CCTV5 can live broadcast , live telecast?
US Marine Lance Corporal Jarvis Norfleet from the Bronx, New York walks with his weapon on June 26, 2009 in Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan.
国海军陆战队一等兵贾维斯Norfleet从布朗克斯,纽对他的武器2009年626在营Leatherneck ,阿富汗。
The person who can perfectly manage a stubborn Dachshund or a saphead Chow-Chow is as admirable as the person who can perfectly manage a Central Asian or a Caucasian.