| 划词

1.The treated lump cokeite,which is a kind of cleaner fuel with low price and high quality,can reduce the sm...



2.He has been busy with his SMs during his interview, which in the interviewer's aspect could connotate the sickness of the poser and the improbability of intercoursing with bona fides.




greaseworker, greasily, greasiness, greasing, greasingsubstance, greasy, greasy spoon, greasy-box, great, great ape,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.VinFast cars will be used in Laos by Green SM, a taxi company mostly owned by VinFast's founder.

VinFast汽车在老挝将为Green SM所使用,Green SM是部分股份由VinFast的创始人所拥有的家出租车公司。

经济学人 Business

2.SM Entertainment says it will resist any attempt at a hostile takeover.

SM Entertainment 表示将抵制任何恶意收购的企图。机翻

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TED演讲(音频版) 2018年7月合集

3.(Laughter) SM: A data point I'm willing to share.

(笑声) SM:我愿意分享据点。机翻

「TED演讲(音频版) 2018年7月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Business

4.SM Entertainment is particularly strong in talent-scouting.

SM Entertainment 在人才搜寻方面尤为强机翻

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5.K-pop pioneer Seo Taiji and SM entertainment founder  Lee Soo-man laid the groundwork for today's K-pop industry.

K-pop 先驱 Seo Taiji 和 SM 娱乐创始人 Lee Soo-man 为今天的 K-pop 行业奠定了基础。机翻

经济学人 Business

6.HYBE and SM Entertainment are the two largest listed K-pop companies, with a combined market capitalisation of nearly $9bn.

HYBE 和 SM Entertainment 是两家最的 K-pop 上市公司,总市值接近 90 亿美元。机翻

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7.Many major K-pop labels, including SM Entertainment, Hybe and CJ Entertainment, have announced plans to train and debut groups in the US this year.

包括 SM 娱乐、Hybe 和 CJ 娱乐在内的许多主要韩流行音乐厂牌都宣布了今年在美和出道的计划。

经济学人 Business

8.SM Entertainment's managers may worry that an investigation from Korean trustbusters, who must review any transaction involving more than 15% of shares, could be a distraction.

SM Entertainment 的管理人员可能担心,韩反垄断机构必须审查任何涉及超过 15% 股份的交易的调查可能会分散注意力。机翻

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GQ — 明星们的10种必需品

9.This which I'm wearing right now is a Tiffany dog tag that my wife gave me and it's inscribed with SM and M which is Simon, Maureen and Matilda.


「GQ — 明星们的10种必需品」评价该例句:好评差评指正

10.The first K-pop concert in Europe, staged by Republic of Korea record label and entertainment agency SM Entertainment in Paris in 2011, attracted some 14,000 fans for two days of sold-out shows.

2011 年,韩民唱片公司和娱乐经纪公司 SM 娱乐在巴黎举办了欧洲首场 K-pop 演唱会,两天的演出共吸引了约 14,000 名歌迷,场场爆满。


11.Exactly why SM can stare down an armed mugger without shaking, but becomes terrified of suffocation can only be speculated as the case continues to be a bit of a mystery.

究竟为什么 SM 可以毫不动摇地盯着武装抢劫犯,却害怕窒息, 这只能推测, 因为案件仍然有点神秘。机翻

经济学人 Business

12.On February 10th HYBE, an entertainment house which represents the genre's biggest name, BTS, agreed to buy a 14.8% stake in SM Entertainment, a rival, from its founder and former chief producer, Lee Soo-man.

2 月 10 日,代表该流派的牌防弹少年团的娱乐公司 HYBE 同意从其创始人兼前首席制作人李秀满手中购买其竞争对手 SM Entertainment 14.8% 的股份。机翻

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3G, 401(K), a,
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