| 划词

Addition of legumes in rice lowers the digestion rate considerably even when legume is removed from the co-cooked conjee.




bombilla, bombinate, bombinator, bombing, bombiosterol, bombita, bomblet, bomblike, bombload, bombonne, bombora, bombous, bombproof, bombshell, bombsight, bombsite, bomb-site, bombus, bombycid, Bombycidae, bombycin, bombycine, bombycology, bombykol, bombyx, bombyx mori, bombyxin, bomensal, bomeplasty, bometolol, Bomu, Bomyl, bon, bon vivant, bon voyage, bona, bona fide, bona fides, bonaci, bonafide, bonailie, Bonaire, bonami, bonamine, Bonampak, bonanza, bonanzagram, Bonaparist, Bonaparte, Bonapartism, Bonapartist, bonattite, bonavacantia, bonaventure, bonbon, bonbonniere, bonbykol, bonchero, bonchevite, bond, bond certificate, bond holder, bond issue, bond paper, bond rating, bondage, bonded, bonded-carrier, bonder, bonderite, bonderization, bonderize, bonderizing, bonderlube, bondholder, bondieuserie, bonding, bondmaid, bondman, bond-meter, Bondo, bondon, bonds, bondservant, bondservice, bondslave, bondsman, bondstone, bondu, bonduc, bondwoman, bone, bone cell, bone china, bone marrow, bone meal, bone of contention, boneblack, bone-black, bonebrown, bone-cementum, boned, bone-deep, bonedry, bone-dry, bone-fat, bonefish, bonehead, bone-idle, bone-knitting, boneless, bonelet, bonemarrow-inhibitor, bone-muscle, boneplasty, boner, bones, boneset, bonesetter, bonesetting, bone-setting, boneshaker, boney, boneyard, bonfire, Bonfire Night, bonfires, bong, bongar, bongo, bongo drum, bongos, bongrace, bongs, bonhomie, bonhommie, bonhomous, boniato, boniface, boniness, boning, boning-in, boning-out, boning-rod, boninite, bonism, Bonita, bonitation, bonitera, bonito, bonitolera, bonk, bonkers, bonk-happy, Bonn, Bonnard, bonne, Bonner, bonnet, bonneted, bonnethead, Bonney, bonnie, bonnily, bonny, bonnyclabber, bonobo, Bononian, bons, bonsai, bonspiel, bonstay, bonswar, bont, bontbok, bontebok, Bontemps, bonten, bontle, bonus, bonuses, bony, bony fish, bony labyrinth, bonza, bonze, bonzer, boo, boo-ay, boob, boob tube, boobery, boobie, booboisie, booboo, boo-boo, boobs, booby, booby hatch, booby prize, booby trap, boobytrap, booby-trap, boocoo, boodle, Boodleaceae, boodler, boody, boof, boofer, boogaloo, booger, boogeyman, boogie, boogieman, boogiewoogie, boogie-woogie, boogyman, boohoo, boojum, book, book club, book jacket, book of account, Book of Mormon, book review, book store, book token, book value, bookable, bookbinder, bookbindery, bookbinding, bookcase, bookcraft, booked, bookend, bookends, booker, bookfairy, bookful, bookgill, bookholder, bookhunter, book-hunter, BOOKICP, bookie, bookies, booking, booking agent, booking clerk, bookingclerk, bookingoffice, bookings, bookish, bookjacket, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, book-keeping, book-kiosk, bookland, booklearned, book-learned, bookless, booklet, booklets, booklift, booklist, booklore, booklover, book-lung, bookmaker, bookmaking, bookman, bookmark, bookmarker, bookmatch, bookmatches, bookmobile, bookoo, bookphrase, book-phrase, bookplate, bookpost, bookrack, bookrest, bookreview, books, bookseller, bookseller's, bookselling, bookshelf, bookshelves, bookshop, bookstack, bookstall, bookstand, BookStar, bookstone, bookstore, bookstructure, booksy, bookteller, book-token, bookwork, bookworm, booky, bool, Boole, Boolean, Boolean algebra, Boolean logic, Boolean operation, Booleans, boom, boom town, boomage, boom-and-bust, boombox, boomer, boomerang, boomeranger, boomflation, boominess, booming, boomkin, boomlet, boom-out, boomslang, boomsprinkler, boomster, boomtown, boomy, boon, boondagger, boondocker, boondockers, boondocks, boondoggle, boondoggler, Boone, boong, boongary, boonies, booper, boopia, Boopidae, boor, boorga, boorish, boort, boost, booster, booster cable, booster rocket, booster station, booster unit, boosterism, boosting, boot, boot camp, boot strap, bootable, bootblack, booted, bootee, booter, bootery, Bootes, booth, Boothia, boothite, boothose, booths, Bootids, bootie, bootikin, booting, bootjack, bootlace, bootlast, bootleg, bootlegger, bootlegging, bootlegs, bootless, bootlessly, bootlick, bootlicker, bootlike, bootload, bootmaker, BOOTP, bootprint, boots, boot-shaped, bootstrap, boot-strap, bootstraping, bootstrapping, boottree, booty, booze, boozed, boozehound, boozer, boozeroo, booze-up, boozy, bop, bopeep, BOPET, Bophuthatswana, bopomofo, BOPP, bopper, boppish, bops, Bopyridae, Bopyrina, bopyrusiasis, BOQ, BOR, bora, Boracay, boracic, boracic acid, boraciferous, boracite, boracium, borage, Boraginaceae, borah, borak, boral, Boralf, borane, boranes, boras, borasca, borasco, borasque, Borat, borate, borated, borates, borax, borazine, borazol, borazon, borazone, borborygmus, borcarite, bord, Bordeaux, Bordeaux mixture, bordel, bordello, border, Border collie, border line, border on, border terrier, bordereau, bordereaux, bordered, borderer, bordering, borderism, borderland, borderline, borders, Bordet, Bordetela, Bordetella, bordroom, bordroomman, bordthea, bordure, bore, bore hole, boreal, borealis, Boreas, borecole, bored, boredom, boree, boreen, borehole, Borel, borematic, bore-out-of-round, borer, boresafe, borescope, boresight, boresighting, boresome, Borg, Borges, Borghese, Borgia, Borglum, boric, boric acid, borickite, boride, borides, boriding, borine, boring, boring machine, boringly, borings, Boris, Boris Godunov, borism, Borisov, borium, bork, Borland, Borlaug, Bormann, bormethyl, born, born again, born into, bornadiene, born-again, bornane, bornaprine, borne, Bornean, borneene, bornelone, Borneo, borneol, borneol-2, bornesitol, bornhardt, Bornholm, Bornholm disease, bornite, Borno, Bornu, bornyl, bornylane, bornylene, bornylformate, bornylhalide, bornyral, boro, boroarsenate, Borobudur, borobutane, borocaine, borocalcite, Borod, Borodin, Borodino, boroethane, boroferrite, borofil, borofluoride, borogen, boroglyceride, boroglycerin, borohydride, borol, borolanite, Borolin, boroll, borolon, boromycin, boron, boron trifluoride, boronation, boronatrocalcite, boron-doping, boronia, boronizing, boron-oxygen, borophosphate, boroscope, borosil, borosilicate, borosiliconizing, borough, borough-english, Boroxal, boroxane, boroxene, boroxin, borphenyl, Borrelia, borrelidin, borrow, borrow pit, borrowed, borrower, borrowing, borrowing cost, borrowings, Bors, borsal, Borsalino, borsch, borscht, borsht, borstal, borsten, borsyl, bort, bortam, Borth, borthiin, bortsch, bortz, boryl, borylarsenate, borylphosphate, borzoi, bos, Bos taurus, bosa, Bosanquet, Bosc, boscage, Bosch, boschbok, boschvark, Bosco, bose, Boser, bosh, boshbok, bosher, boshing, boshplate, bosie, bosk, boskage, bosket, Boskop, bosky, bos'n, bo'sn, bo's'n, Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian, Bosnians, Bosnywash, bosom, bosomed, bosomy, boson, bosons, Bosporus, bosque, bosquet, boss, boss around, bossage, bossdom, bossed, bosset, bosseyed, boss-eyed, bosshead, bossiness, bossing, Bossini, bossism, boss-shot, Bossuet, bossy, boster, bosthoon, Boston, Boston fern, boston ivy, Boston Tea Party, Boston terrier, Bostonian, bostonite, Bostonivy, Bostrichidae, Bostrichoidea, bostrix, bostrycin, bostrycoidin, bostryx, bosun, boswell, Boswellian, Boswellism, Boswellize, bot, bota, BOTAC, botallackite, botanic, botanica, botanical, botanical garden, botanically, Botanics, botanist, botanize, botanizing, botanogeochemistry, botanomancy, botany, botargo, BOTB, botch, Botched, botcher, botchery, botchwork, botchy, bote, botel, Boter, botfly, both, both...and..., both…and, Bothe, bother, botheration, bothered, bothersome, both-handed, bothie, Bothnia, bothrenchyma, bothridium, bothriocephaliasis, Bothriocephalus, Bothriocidaroida, Bothriolepis, bothrium, bothropase, Bothrophera, bothropotoxin, bothropoxin, Bothrops, bothrosome, both-way, Bothwell, bothy, boticin, Botnet, boto, botox, bo-tree, botryogen, botryoid, botryoidal, botryoidaltissue, botryomycosis, botryomycotic, botryose, botrytic, botryticin, botrytimycosis, Botrytis, bots, Botswana, Botswanian, bott, Botticelli, Botticellian, bottine, botting, bottle, bottle cap, bottle gourd, bottle green, bottle neck, bottle nose, bottle opener, bottle up, bottlebrush, bottled, bottled gas, bottled water, bottle-fed, bottle-feed, bottle-feeding, bottleful, bottle-green, bottlehead, bottleholder, bottle-jaw, bottlekhana, bottleneck, bottle-neck, bottlenose, bottler, bottlery, bottles, bottle-trap, bottletree, bottling, bottom, bottom land, bottom line, bottom out, bottom up, bottombars, bottom-dump, Bottome, bottomed, bottom-feeder, bottoming, bottomland, bottomless, bottom-line, bottommost, bottomry, bottoms, bottomset, bottomtank, bottom-up, bottonium, bottromycin, Bottrop, bottstick, BOTU, botulin, botulinogenic, botulinum, botulinus, botulism, botulismotoxin, bouba, boubou, boucharde, bouche, Boucher, boucherie, boucherize, boucherizing, bouchon, boucle, Boudain, boudeuse, Boudicca, boudin, boudinage, boudle, boudoir, bouffant, bouffe, bougainvillaea, Bougainville, bougainvillea, bough, boughed, boughpot, bought, boughten, bougie, bougienage, bouginage, bougle, bouillabaisse, bouilli, bouillon, bouillon cube, Boulanger, boulangerie, boulangerite, Boulangism, boulder, boulder clay, boulder-clay, bouldering, boulders, bouldery, boule, boules, bouleuterion, boulevard, boulevardier, bouleversement, Boulez, boulimia, boulle, Boulogne, Boulogne-Billancourt, Boulogne-sur-Mer, boult, boulter, Boulwarism, boun, bounce, bounce back, bounce bout, bounce-back, bounceball, bouncer, bounces, bouncing, bouncing putty, bouncy, bound, bound form, boundary, boundary condition, boundary layer, boundary line, bounded, boundedness, bounden, bounder, boundless, boundlessly, bounds, boundscript, boundstone, bounteous, bounteously, Bountiful, bountifully, bounty, bounty hunter, bouquet, bouquetier, bouquetiere, bouquetin, bouquets, Bourbon, Bourbonism, Bourbonnais, bourdon, bourdony, bourette, bourg, Bourgas, bourgeois, bourgeoise, bourgeoisie, bourgeoisification, bourgeoisify, bourgeon, Bourges, Bourgogne, Bourke-White, bourn, bourne, bournonite, bourree, bourrelet, bourride, bourse, bourtree, bouse, boussingaultite, boustay, boustrophedon, bousy, bout, boutade, bouteillenstein, boutel, boutgate, boutique, boutiquier, bouton, boutonniere, boutons, Boutros-Ghali, bouts, bouvardia, bouvardin, Bouvier des Flandres, bouzouki, bouzoukia, bovarism, bovate, Bovet, bovid, Bovidae, bovine, bovovaccination, bovovaccine, bovril, bovver, bow, bow and arrow, bow window, bow-backed, bowdacious, Bowditch, bowdlerise, bowdlerism, bowdlerize, bowdrill, bowed, bowel, bowel movement, Bowelism, Bowell, bowels, Bowen, bowenite, bower, bowerbird, bower-birds, bowered, bowers, bowery, bowfin, bowfront, bowgrace, bowguide, bowgun, bowhead, bowhunt, bowie, bowie knife, bowing, bowk, bowking, bowknot, bowl, bowlder, bowleg, bow-leg, bow-legas, bowlegged, bow-legged, bowler, bowler hat, bowlful, bowline, bowling, bowling alley, bowling ball, bowling equipment, bowling green, bowling pin, bowling-alley, bowlingite, bowls, bowman, bow-on, bowpot, bowsaw, bowse, bowser, bowshock, bowshot, bowsman, bowsprit, bowstave, bowstring, bowstring hemp, bow-tie, bow-twixter, bow-wave, bowwow, bowyang, bowyer, box, box camera, box girder, box number, box office, box pleat, box spring, box wrench, boxberry, boxboard, boxcar, boxcars, boxed-off, boxer, boxer shorts, boxers, boxes, boxfish, box-frame, boxful, box-hat, boxhaul, boxhead, boxholder, boxhole, box-in, boxing, Boxing Day, boxing glove, boxing match, boxing ring, boxkeeper, boxlike, boxman, box-note, box-office, boxroom, box-staple, boxthorn, boxtree, boxty, box-up, boxwood, boxwork, boxy, boy, boy scout, Boy Scouts, boy wonder, boyar, boyard, Boyce, boychik, boycott, boycotts, Boyd, BOYDS, boyfriend, Boyg, boyhood, boyish, boyishly, boyla, Boyle, Boyne, boyo, boys, boys and girls, boysenberry, Boyz, Boyzone, BOZ, Bozcaada, Bozen, bozo, BozzaMix, bozzetto, bp, BPA, bpam, BPAS, BPC, BPCF, BPCS, BPD, BPE, BPEL, BPF, BPG, BPH, BPI, B-picture, B-pillar, BPL, BPM, BPMC, BPO, B-position, B-power, BPP, BPR, BPRS, bps, bpt, Bq, BR, bra, braaivleis, Brabanconne, brabant, brabble, braccate, brace, braced, bracehead, bracelet, braceleted, braceman, bracer, bracero, braceros, bracers, braces, brach, bracheid, brachelytrous, brachet, brachia, brachial, brachial artery, brachial plexus, brachial vein, brachialgia, brachialia, brachialis, Brachiarticulata, Brachiata, brachiate, brachidium, brachiferous, brachiform, braching, brachio-, brachiocephalic, brachiocubital, brachiocyllosis, brachiocyrtosis, brachiolaria, brachiole, brachioneus, brachiophore, brachiopod, Brachiopoda, Brachiopoda(拉), brachiopods, brachioradialis, brachiorrheuma, brachiosaur, brachiostrophosis, brachistochrone, brachium, brachy-, brachyanticline, Brachyarchus, brachyaxis, brachybasophalangia, brachycardia, brachycephal, brachycephalic, brachycephalization, brachycephalous, brachycephaly, Brachycera, brachycerebral, brachycerous, brachycheilia, brachychily, brachycranial, brachycranic, brachydactyl, brachydactylia, brachydactylic, brachydactylous, brachydactyly, brachydiagonal, brachydodromous, brachydome, brachydont, brachyelytrous, brachyform, brachy-form, brachygeosyncline, brachylast, brachylogy, brachymeiosis, brachyodont, brachyosis, brachypinacoid, Brachypsectridae, brachypterism, brachypterous, brachyrhinia, brachyrhynchus, brachysclereid, brachyskelic, brachystomatous, brachysyncline, brachytelephalangia, brachytelescope, brachytelic, brachytely, brachytherapy, Brachythoraci, brachytracheae, Brachyura, brachyural, brachyuran, brachyurous, bracing, braciola, braciole, brack, brackebuschite, bracken, bracker, bracket, bracket creep, bracketarm, bracketed, bracketing, bracket-like, bracket-plant, brackets, brackish, brackishness, brackypterous, bracon, braconid, bract, bracteal, bracteate, bracteine, bracteody, bracteoid, bracteolate, bracteole, bracteomania, bractlet, bracts, brad, bradawl, Bradbury, Braddock, bradenhead, Bradenton, brader, Bradford, Bradfordian, bradisulfa, Bradley, bradoriida, brads, bradshaw, bradsot, Bradstreet, Brady, bradyadministration, bradyauxesis, bradybasia, bradycardia, bradycardic, bradycauma, bradycausis, bradycinesia, bradycrotic, bradydiastalsis, bradydiastole, bradydiastolia, bradye, bradyesthesia, bradygenesis, bradyglossia, bradykinesia, bradykinetic, bradykinin, bradykininogen, bradylalia, bradylogia, bradymasesis, bradymetabolism, Bradyodonti, bradypepsia, bradyphagia, bradyphrenia, bradypnea, bradypnoea, bradypragia, bradyrhythmia, bradyscope, bradyseism, bradyspermatism, bradysphygmia, bradyspore, brady-sporozoite, bradystalsis, bradytelic, bradytely, bradyuria, bradyzoite, brae, brag, Braga, Braganca, Braganza, Brage, Bragg, braggadocio, braggart, bragger, bragging, braggite, Bragi, bragite, Brahe, Brahma, brahmacharya, Brahman, Brahmana, Brahmani, Brahmanic, Brahmanical, Brahmanism, Brahmanist, Brahmans, brahmapootra, Brahmaputra, Brahmin, Brahminee, Brahminism, Brahminist, Brahmins, Brahmoism, Brahmoist, Brahms, Brahmsian, Brahui, braid, braided, braider, braiding, braidism, brail, brailer, brailing, Braille, Brailler, Braillewriter, brain, brain cell, brain coral, brain death, brain fever, brain power, brain stem, brain storm, brain storming, brain surgery, brain truster, brain tumor, brain wave, braincap, braincase, brainchild, Braine, brained, brainfag, brainiac, brainish, brainless, brainman, brainpan, brain-picking, brainpower, brains, brainsick, brainstem, brainstorm, brainstorming, brainteaser, Braintree, brainwash, brainwashing, brainwave, brainwork, brainworker, brainworm, brainy, braise, braised, braiser, brait, braize, brake, brake band, brake cylinder, brake disk, brake drum, brake lining, brake pad, brake pedal, brake shoe, brake system, brakeage, brake-fade, brakeload, brakeman, brake-press, braker, brakes, brake-shoe, brakesman,


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